001    /*
002     * Copyright 1996-2005 Mort Bay Consulting Pty. Ltd.
003     * Copyright 2006 Stephen McConnell.
004     *
005     * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
006     * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
007     * You may obtain a copy of the License at
008     *
009     *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
010     *
011     * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
012     * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
013     * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
014     * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
015     * limitations under the License.
016     */
018    package net.dpml.test.http;
020    import java.io.IOException;
021    import java.io.PrintWriter;
022    import java.util.Date;
023    import java.util.Enumeration;
025    import javax.servlet.ServletConfig;
026    import javax.servlet.ServletException;
027    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet;
028    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
029    import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse;
030    import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
032    /** Test Servlet Sessions.
033     *
034     * @author Greg Wilkins (gregw)
035     */
036    public class SessionDump extends HttpServlet
037    {
039        private int m_redirectCount = 0;
041       /**
042        * Servlet initialization.
043        * @param config the servlet configuration
044        * @exception ServletException if a configuration error occurs
045        */
046        public void init( ServletConfig config ) throws ServletException
047        {
048            super.init( config );        
049        }
051       /**
052        * Process an incomming post request.
053        * @param request the http request
054        * @param response the http response
055        * @exception ServletException if a servlet processing error occurs
056        * @exception IOException if an IO error occurs
057        */
058        public void doPost( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response ) 
059            throws ServletException, IOException
060        {
061            HttpSession session = request.getSession( false );
062            String action = request.getParameter( "Action" );
063            String name =  request.getParameter( "Name" );
064            String value =  request.getParameter( "Value" );
066            String nextUrl = getURI( request ) + "?R=" + m_redirectCount++;
067            if( action.equals( "New Session" ) )
068            {   
069                session = request.getSession( true );
070                session.setAttribute( "test", "value" );
071            }
072            else if( session!=null )
073            {
074                if( action.equals( "Invalidate" ) )
075                {
076                    session.invalidate();
077                }
078                else if( action.equals( "Set" ) && ( name != null ) && ( name.length() > 0 ) )
079                {   
080                    session.setAttribute( name, value );
081                }
082                else if( action.equals( "Remove" ) )
083                {
084                    session.removeAttribute( name );
085                }
086            }
088            String encodedUrl = response.encodeRedirectURL( nextUrl );
089            response.sendRedirect( encodedUrl );
090        }
092       /**
093        * Process an incomming get request.
094        * @param request the http request
095        * @param response the http response
096        * @exception ServletException if a servlet processing error occurs
097        * @exception IOException if an IO error occurs
098        */
099        public void doGet( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response ) 
100            throws ServletException, IOException
101        {
102            response.setContentType( "text/html" );
104            HttpSession session = request.getSession( getURI( request ).indexOf( "new" ) > 0 );
106            PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
107            out.println( "<h1>Session Dump Servlet:</h1>" ); 
108            out.println( "<form action=\"" + response.encodeURL( getURI( request ) ) + "\" method=\"post\">" );
110            if( session == null )
111            {
112                out.println( "<H3>No Session</H3>" );
113                out.println( "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"Action\" value=\"New Session\"/>" );
114            }
115            else
116            {
117                try
118                {  
119                    out.println( "<b>ID:</b> " + session.getId() + "<br/>" );
120                    out.println( "<b>New:</b> " + session.isNew() + "<br/>" );
121                    out.println( "<b>Created:</b> " + new Date( session.getCreationTime() ) + "<br/>" );
122                    out.println( "<b>Last:</b> " + new Date( session.getLastAccessedTime() ) + "<br/>" );
123                    out.println( "<b>Max Inactive:</b> " + session.getMaxInactiveInterval() + "<br/>" );
124                    out.println( "<b>Context:</b> " + session.getServletContext() + "<br/>" );
126                    Enumeration keys = session.getAttributeNames();
127                    while( keys.hasMoreElements() )
128                    {
129                        String name = (String) keys.nextElement();
130                        String value = (String) session.getAttribute( name );
131                        out.println( "<b>" + name + ":</b> " + value + "<br/>" );
132                    }
134                    out.println( "<b>Name:</b><input type=\"text\" name=\"Name\" /><br/>" );
135                    out.println( "<b>Value:</b><input type=\"text\" name=\"Value\" /><br/>" );
137                    out.println( "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"Action\" value=\"Set\"/>" );
138                    out.println( "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"Action\" value=\"Remove\"/>" );
139                    out.println( "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"Action\" value=\"Invalidate\"/><br/>" );
141                    out.println( "</form><br/>" );
143                    if( request.isRequestedSessionIdFromCookie() )
144                    {
145                        out.println( "<P>Turn off cookies in your browser to try url encoding<BR>" );
146                    }
147                    if( request.isRequestedSessionIdFromURL() )
148                    {
149                        out.println( "<P>Turn on cookies in your browser to try cookie encoding<BR>" );
150                    }
151                }
152                catch( IllegalStateException e )
153                {
154                    e.printStackTrace();
155                }
156            }
157        }
159       /**
160        * Return the servlet info.
161        * @return the info
162        */
163        public String getServletInfo() 
164        {
165            return "Session Dump Servlet";
166        }
168        private String getURI( HttpServletRequest request )
169        {
170            String uri = (String) request.getAttribute( "javax.servlet.forward.request_uri" );
171            if( uri == null )
172            {
173                uri = request.getRequestURI();
174            }
175            return uri;
176        }
177    }